book discussions Book Reviews celebration Godless Horrors Horror

Rayne Havok’s Birthday Book

LOST SOUL is Available exclusively on Godless

Rayne published Lost Soul on December 31st, (her birthday), so it’s only fitting that since I didn’t get to read it on her birthday, I read it for my birthday! Well, my birthday is tomorrow, so…

A Godless exclusive.

May, drowning in her depression, and desperate for the end, decides that it’s time to let go.

May: “On what was supposed to be my last day alive, I finally found a reason to want to live. But if I wanted to save my soul, I’d have to die for it.”


I feel for May right now, let me tell ya. How heavy everything is in the morning, so hard to move, and already pissed off because you woke up at all. But, for her, a reason to stay sweeps in right before the final credits roll. Did it though? Is there time for her to face her demons before the screen fades to black? That’s what you’re going to find out when you scoop up your copy of LOST SOUL @


This is a really great story, and a side of Rayne I’ve never read before. I’m not surprised – not at all. I’m excited to see what else may be hiding under all that blood, viscera, and revenge. She does have a little something to say for everyone who reads it though…

‘For first time readers, please know that this is not my normal genre of writing and read the others with caution.’

Rayne Havok
(Super Depressed is like regular depressed, but I get to wear this nifty cape.)

Until next time boys & girls …

✌️, 🖤 & 😷


book discussions Book Reviews Extreme Horror Horror Series

Sea’s Sanger Series

Sanger Entertainment The Complete Series by Sea Caummisar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WARNING – Once you start this book, you won’t be able to stop until the last book is finished.
If you picked up this series before reading anything else from this author, Sanger Entertainment was born in the blood of Games The Complete Series Books 1-6. I was really excited about the idea of Sanger getting its own series, but I didn’t have a clue what it was going to be like. The reality of the final project exceeded my wildest imagination!
It has everything I wanted – the casino, the collection crews, the underground fighting, and videos, etc. But so much more, too! (Note to author: I absolutely LOVE the pharmacy, nice touch!) And since this is Sea Caummisar we’re talking about, it has all the blood, gore, and always inventive deaths that keep us coming back for more.
Beyond all that though…The story that continues throughout these books is outstanding! Together these guys – THOMAS, BRUNO, KURT, and MAX are like brothers, with PAULIE being the honorary, adopted little brother – they’ve grown Sanger into something untouchable. But when the wife and kids kind of family comes in to play, it’s not always so easy to balance. If it comes down to it, which family is more important?
It depends on who you ask.

More reviews on Goodreads

I’ll go over the stories individually at a later time, but it’s so hard to do! Sea Caummisar packs so much story into so few pages that I’m always feeling like I’m balancing on that very thin line between review, or spoiler.

Have you read this series already? Do you have a favorite? I like Kurt & Thomas the most, cuz Max lost his damn fool mind! But, then again, we can’t forget about Paulie… He may not be one of the four founding members, but he’s been here through thick and thin, and knows more secrets than the president should be privy to. It’s really hard to pick a favorite, innt? Gotta boogie for now, but say hey in the comments, let me know you’re still lurking!

P, L & N 💋

~ sg

Give the author a shout in the comments! Or, better yet, you can reach out and get in touch via social media:

Book Reviews Dark Humor Horror New Release splatterpunk

Muckbang Princess by Rayne Havok

You know what I’m talking about…

That invisible line… the one that signifies where you shouldn’t go beyond, or you’ve had it up to…

Yeah. That one.

For the longest time I thought I was just a freak, that I didn’t have that line in the sand. Maybe I was born a serial killer who wasn’t living up to her potential? We can all let out that collective sigh of relief, cuz I DO HAVE IT! It was all fresh, clean, and pink. Then Rayne skips by and flicks it.

Seriously, I’m having a good ole time, then one sentence walks up and kicks me in the crotch towards the end. Shit got too real for about 17 words. Thank Dog she comes back and finishes with the blackest of humor that is sure to offend the masses 🖤

I’m giving you no synopsis. Go in blind like I did, trust that you’re spending your 50¢ on an author you know you like. I’m serious, 50¢!! You can’t beat that with a stick!

This one is not available on Amazon kids. Do I have to post more of a warning label than that? This fact led me to another kick ass site that you must check out if you find yourself looking for more fun than Amazon can provide. (With a capital ‘F’, and to the nth degree!) Go check out GODLESS for your copy of Muckbang Princess, and a ton of other titles that you’ll die if you don’t own. Like… they have BLOOD FOR YOU! The G.G. Allin tribute anthology I’ve wanted since they were taking submissions, tee hee hee! The rock stars of Splatterpunk are selling their wares, also some OG authors you’ll be remembering fondly while you kiss your stimulus goodbye, one page at a time!

Buy on GODLESS, and review it on Goodreads. Rayne Havok loves hearing what you think, so leave reviews, and reach out to her @ GoodreadsFacebook, and Twitter.

The site is actually RED, I just wanted it to match the Kittens Eat Your Face vibe here.

Let’s hope you’re not like me, and curiosity doesn’t get the best of you. But you know what Stephen King says… “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back!” If you do feel the need to look deeper into this subject matter, set aside a hunk of time, and don’t go forth with a full belly. I’m intrigued by the strangest things, and fell down the rabbit hole. I’ve learned some things, read a good book, and got to chat with you a bit – it’s been a good day.

Until next time – stay safe, and healthy!

P, L, & N 💋


#coronageddon Book Reviews Extreme Horror Comedy

UNBOUND by Ash Ericmore

I can easily see Ash Ericmore becoming one of my go-to authors!

My brain sees this, but my mouth says ‘Eric Ashmore

You know how book browsing goes… Pop on Amazon just to window shop… ‘Let’s see what Matt’s up to‘, ‘Maybe Jon surprised us and secretly published one we weren’t expecting‘, ‘Sea has new stuff coming‘, ‘What happened to The Barns Brothers‘, ‘Oh – I gotta check to see if Ash published anything new… OMG, CARNIE – what’s this?! ‘<—- That’s legit, he published a new one before I posted this 😁

Those words make me so happy! No, technically it’s not a new genre, but he is advertising the fact that it’s about to get twisted. [it did!] Ash’s humor is blacker than my mascara, his horror is disgusting, weird, and fresh… I’m hooked.

WARNING: This contains scenes of very bizarre and extremely violent death, along with some of the weirdest scenes of sex you might come across. It’s not really erotic … well … unless you’re into that sort of thing. Best consider this a trigger warning for just about everything.

Will is having one of those days. But not your average one of those days. It started badly and then went downhill with gusto. Now he’s going to summon a demon. You know, to get all murdery. Revenge. What could go wrong, right?

Beginning with some pretty vile acts, Unbound is a novella that only gets worse going forward. If you are of a sensitive nature, then you might want to give this one a miss, yes?

Amazon Product Page

This was fun, sick, and completely unexpected. I’m just in love with Will’s demon, we need to go out for coffee, or shots.
I’m going to be a very sad Shadow when these four five books are finished, and it’s taking every ounce of willpower to not finish them all up in one setting! (I can’t start a new one until the reviews are posted for the one I finished.)

You can find Ash Ericmore and pick up his books: UNBOUND, AGAINST TYPE, CULT, JANE DOE, and CARNIE on Amazon, and review them on Goodreads. I’ll edit in his social media ASAP.

Now, even though getting you to participate is like pulling a victim’s teeth, I still want to try, so, I’ll discuss, you go ahead and jump in when you’re ready – Which one of Ash’s titles do you want to read first? UNBOUND, AGAINST TYPE, CULT, JANE DOE, or CARNIE? Why that one? I’m dying to read AGAINST TYPE. It’s the first one I saw, and the first time I saw those three words string together so perfectly… Extreme Horror Comedy. It sounds like it’s going to be the most fun read of the bunch. I was going to read CULT next, maybe CARNIE. But, no. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so why wait! AGAINST TYPE it is! Leave your replies in the comments!

QUESTION FOR THE AUTHOR: Is it hard (see what I did there… I’m fluent in innuendo) to get all your books to end up exactly 69 pages?

This new three week ‘shelter in place’ order is not doing wonders for my mental health, but For The Greater Good and all that, right? Stick around and witness my decent into madness! Until next time, stay safe, sane, and healthy!



Like I said, technically not new, but… Hey, J.A. got a new sub-genre here, so I think Ash deserves this one!

Body Horror Book Reviews Extreme Horror Horror

The Lockdown Trade-Off by Sam West

Times are hard in this terrifying new world dominated by the coronavirus –

Tap Cover To Go To

You gotta do what it takes to survive.

WARNING: EXTREME HORROR – Not For Sensitive Readers! This story happens in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic – so if you’re triggered by daily events, here’s an extra warning.

The Author & The Reviewer

Small businesses around the globe are going belly-up. In the Cornish seaside town of Treeve, Cat’s husband, Brian Oxley, is on the brink of losing everything. Eight pubs, five restaurants, and six pasty shops worth of everything…

When a potential, financial bailout comes in the form of lottery winner Ewan Davies, it is the answer to all of Brian’s prayers. The creepy, ex-furniture restorer makes Brian an offer he can’t refuse.

His offer is twenty million.

And the price of Brian’s salvation?

His wife.

Never in her wildest imaginings, could Cat imagine what lies in store for her at the millionaire’s mansion.

She will never look at a piece of furniture in the same way again…


The synopsis is very descriptive, so you know the beginning of the story. What you don’t know is ‘Why’. Not ‘why did Brian sell her’, cuz he’s a piece of shit, (besides, times are hard, ya know?). Not ‘why didn’t her side-piece try to help her‘, cuz he was a pussy all along. The WHY you need to be asking is WHY does Ewan want to buy her? INDECENT PROPOSAL was ‘One million dollars for one night with your wife’ – but Ewan is paying twenty mil!

Ewan must live in Broadgate. This kind of shit couldn’t happen anywhere else in the world!

I first read this within days of it’s release. At a certain point if I’d had Collette’s number I would have called, but I had to stop reading so I could at least e-mail her. I think I only said ”They’re going to Broadgate, aren’t they?!” UPDATE: I had to stop and look up the e-mail. I was wrong, I emailed her because for a second I was thinking they might be headed to Gary’s house in Broadgate! It would have been an entirely different story.

This is extreme body horror at it’s finest! You might not feel this, but I see some dark humor here, and can totally appreciate it! (See note in Ch.12.) I think I’m safe with my assumption here, but I’ve pissed off an author before by finding some dark humor in their world where there was most definitely none intended. ::leSigh::

I love that this is written along with what is going on in the world. It’s not ‘capitalizing’ on anything, it’s saying ‘Hey, things are fucked up, but look – they could be SOOOO much worse!” Lol! Some time had passed when I realized that this wasn’t posted, (again, all apologizes). I was going to skim through, just to refresh for this, but ended up reading from cover to cover for a second time! It’s such a great vakay from IRL for a little while, (but parallel to IRL 😉). I noticed that a couple readers do not like the ending of this story, but I wholeheartedly disagree. There are so many things that could happen, but no matter what – in our minds we’ve seen our perfect ending.

“I want you with me forever, Caitlyn.”

The most horrifying sentence in this book!

Alright. I’ve begun to babble, so that’s a sure sign that it’s time to wrap this up. When you need to stop seeing the news, and a distraction beckons because ‘those damn kids’ are just always there anymore, you can grab THE LOCKDOWN TRADE-OFF on Amazon, then rate it on Goodreads! Your stalking options for Sam West, and Collette Metcalf are as follows: AmazonGoodreadsFacebookBookLikes LibraryThing, and FictionDB, and @west_horror on Twitter. There is at least one Sam West #BleedingMeme in the Gallery, and the Sam West / Collette Metcalf ‘coming-out’ interview is a fun read and can be read here. Lastly…


Answers in the comments please! You never know, this might end up not being just for fun, so comment, damnit!! lmfao… Until next time – Stay Healthy, and Stay Safe!

P, L, & N💋


book discussions Book Reviews Extreme Horror Horror Horror New Release

The Tainted Souls by Matt Shaw and Shaun Hutson

From authors Shaun Hutson and Matt Shaw comes a new horror set in the time of the Corona Virus.

The world has gone to Hell. A virus has seemingly come from no where, bringing with it a number of conspiracy theories as to its origin. Some of the theories are outlandish whilst some have an eerie ring of possible truth around them. But, as the world goes into lock down with people living in isolation only allowed out of their homes for essential journeys, people soon realise there are greater things to worry about than COVID-19.
As the virus continues to get a grip of the world, mankind reveals the many monsters within.


People all over the world are [re]reading ‘THE STAND’ to discuss “similarities” on terror driven social media, and apocalyptic horror stories are driving the conspiracy theorists to crash Reddit.
I think that ‘THE TAINTED SOULS‘ is exactly what we need to help us get through this… something to REALLY terrify us!! It helps us realize that things aren’t as bad as they could be…
This is a great collaboration between Shaw & Shaun. They sure know how to remind us that the real monsters are human.


short link –

book discussions Book Reviews coming soon Horror

Coming Soon From the Dark Mind of Sea Caummisar: Acrotomophilia Maniac

The dark mind of Sea Caummisar brings us a story that the director of ‘Boxing Helana‘ would call FUCKED UP!

Release Date June 12, 2020 – Available for pre-order!

Acrotomophilia: The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts involving an amputee.

After Willard’s wife was disfigured in a car accident, he found himself to be even more attracted to her.
Then his obsession grew more everyday.


“Sometimes in life, people have a knack for things. Some people have a knack for art, or playing a musical instrument. It’s almost as if they were born with some sort of talent. Willard’s knack just happened to be abducting women and keeping them tied up.”

After an accident that causes his wife of 40 years to lose her leg, Willard sits in the hospital at her bedside and tries to sort through the various feelings he’s having.
And which one of those feelings – exactly, is causing the tent to form at the front of his pants?

You can stalk, urm…  ahem… connect with Sea Caummisar on FacebookGoodreadsTwitter, follow on Amazon, or email here.

If you’re interested in becoming a beta reader, check out the requirements at BookSprout.

Check out Damon Dahmer in the Deadly Reality TV Series on Amazon, (Book 1 EASY MONEY here). Don’t miss Sly Verdict in the Verdict Reality series. Just follow the author’s Amazon Authors Page, and never miss out on anything!

book discussions Book Reviews Horror Horror Series

PARALYSED by Matt Shaw


They had met in prison.
Dennis felt terrible about his crime, and judging from his beaten & bruised body… the other inmates didn’t find his deeds tolerable, either. Except for one man. One man befriended him when no one else could stand the sight of him. That man was Ryan, it this began a long, and very special friendship.

Things are different today, though.

Today is Dennis’s birthday. The card waiting for him from Ryan brings him no joy. He peeks his head into Ryan’s room to see if he’s awake, and the only words spoken to him by his best friend in the world are… “Please, kill me.”

PARALYSED is the new 5 star extreme horror novel from Matt Shaw. Continuing with his Black Cover series, and pushing boundaries of decency, Matt Shaw takes you on a journey with a serial killer and his accomplice, Dennis – a man who’ll do absolutely anything for his broken master.

This is promoted as one of Matt’s Black Cover extreme horror books, but it’s so much more than that. PARALYSED isn’t just a quick ride for cheap thrills – it’s a heartbreaking story about the friendship & love that developed between two of society’s cast offs. I don’t use that term lightly, either. I could feel my heart breaking as the story unfolded.  Only Matt could evoke this response from a tale about a convicted rapist, and his murderous best friend. (sl


Like gore? Like horror? You’re in for a treat because Matt Shaw brings the crazy right to your kindle!  Stay up to date on All Things Matt, and be notified of new titles by following his Amazon author page, his official blog, and Matt Shaw Publications on Goodreads, and Facebook.



book discussions Book Reviews Horror Horror

ASHES: A novella of horror, gore and cannibalism by Matt Shaw

ASHES: A novella of horror, gore and cannibalism

by Matt Shaw
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Click on the cover to view ASHES on Amazon


Matt Shaw may have set off to just give readers a fun exploitation ride, but ASHES: A novella of horror, gore and cannibalism is so much more than that!
The story’s flashbacks that lead to present day circumstances had me fully invested in the characters – rooting for one, while hoping for another’s grisly demise. (Don’t judge me – there are always characters that deserve to die horribly! Look at The Cat In The Hat…)

View more of my reviews

Book Reviews Horror

TORTURED by Matt Shaw

WARNING: This is an extreme horror novel. Some scenes may offend or cause upset. With that in mind, please be aware this story is intended for a mature audience only.



When financial problems hit Ryan he is forced to move his family to a smaller, more cost-effective, home on the outskirts of the city. But when his decisions lead him – and his family – directly into the path of a vicious serial killer who enjoys nothing more than to torture his victims, Ryan soon realises things will never be the same for any of them again.


I’ve just read some of the Amazon reviews, and I’m pissed.
I kind of take these bad reviews personally, because I love this book. I respect your right to dislike, but if you’re going to start slinging insults – have the balls to sign your name. Hiding behind the word ANONYMOUS is a dick move.


TORTURED is not at all what I expected.
Now, maybe it’s just me – I expected a head-on assault to the senses, buckets of blood & gore galore. That is not what I got. Yes, I admit that I am becoming a bit desensitized to extreme horror – but I don’t think that’s the issue here. There are some pretty squirmy scenes, graphic, disturbing, but necessary to describe the mind set of the killer.
I never discuss these things, but I want to mention that Matt is doing things a little differently lately, and I’m really impressed with the new direction. The storylines are going deeper, and character development is a bit more detailed, (but still not unnecessarily padded – thank you, Matt!). What I love the most is how the stories are beginning to weave together. Different characters cross paths, locations are being revisited, older stories are tonight’s local news broadcast – it’s brilliant.
This book is full of winks & nods, I had to stop reading in the middle to go comment on Matt’s Facebook wall 🙂

A thought…

I have a feeling that we’re going to be seeing a lot more of Detective Andrews.