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Rayne Havok’s Birthday Book

LOST SOUL is Available exclusively on Godless

Rayne published Lost Soul on December 31st, (her birthday), so it’s only fitting that since I didn’t get to read it on her birthday, I read it for my birthday! Well, my birthday is tomorrow, so…

A Godless exclusive.

May, drowning in her depression, and desperate for the end, decides that it’s time to let go.

May: “On what was supposed to be my last day alive, I finally found a reason to want to live. But if I wanted to save my soul, I’d have to die for it.”


I feel for May right now, let me tell ya. How heavy everything is in the morning, so hard to move, and already pissed off because you woke up at all. But, for her, a reason to stay sweeps in right before the final credits roll. Did it though? Is there time for her to face her demons before the screen fades to black? That’s what you’re going to find out when you scoop up your copy of LOST SOUL @


This is a really great story, and a side of Rayne I’ve never read before. I’m not surprised – not at all. I’m excited to see what else may be hiding under all that blood, viscera, and revenge. She does have a little something to say for everyone who reads it though…

‘For first time readers, please know that this is not my normal genre of writing and read the others with caution.’

Rayne Havok
(Super Depressed is like regular depressed, but I get to wear this nifty cape.)

Until next time boys & girls …

✌️, 🖤 & 😷
