Horror Humor Shenanigans Zombies

64 ‘Bite’

Book Reviews Horror Humor PicArt / PicEdit


“Every day’s a sunshiny day when you don’t have maggots and spiders eating your guts.” -Stanley Dabernath


Stanley Dabernath is nobody special. He’s just a regular guy, who hates every minute of his miserable existence. $60,000 in debt, eating ramen noodles three times a day, and recently homeless since he just got evicted from his apartment.
His video distribution company, Demented Whackos, should have made him a millionaire, not a 35 year old man who lives where he works, and steals booze from his parent’s house. He won’t give up, though! All he needs is one sicko product to put Demented Whackos Video on the map, and he’s working on that project right now!


EXTREME FISHING is going to be a hit, he can feel it! Heavy metal music, gratuitous T & A, explosions, beatings, and of course… buckets of blood & guts! THIS is going to be the one, EXTREME FISHING is going to turn things around for poor Stanley Dabernath! Things might not be so bad for him after all, and he starts to feel better than he has in a very long time. Hey, he even jumped out of of the way and avoided being hit by the semi-truck that was barreling towards him! Quick moves! Nice going, Stanley!
Too bad his luck hadn’t changed completely. The truck, the same one that narrowly missed hitting Stanley, tipped over and crashed down on his left foot. If his luck had changed just a bit more, then he would have limped away. Sadly, Life said “Hahaha! Nope!”
Stanley found no humor in his situation as the truck spilled it’s contents all over him, and he drowned right there.
In milk.

Breaking News!
Breaking News!

BIZARRE REALITY is taking a huge chance by airing a prime time TV special – LIVE. They have Project Second Chance as a guest, and have spent major cash advertising tonight’s show. “Witness the very first resurrection of a human corpse on LIVE TV!”
No spoilers here, really. If it didn’t work, we wouldn’t have a story! The corpse is Stanley Dabernath, and the scientists have successfully reanimated him for the entire viewing audience.
He’s alive… ALIVE! Muah-ha-ha-ha…
Alive, but not without some damage – he had started to decay a bit, so his coloring is kind of grey, and he smells none too fresh. You don’t need to be pretty to become a huge celebrity these days, and that’s exactly what Stanley has become. A celebrity with hated a nickname! The press started calling him ‘The Incredible Mr. Corpse’, then the world follows suit. Despite the new moniker, Mr. Corpse has finally made it. Fame, wealth, groupies… he’s living the dream. He even has a personal assistant, Veronica, to help him adjust to the lifestyle. She’s earning her salary, though – You can take the life out of Stanley, but you can’t remove the personality!
The story follows the transformation – from Stanley to The Incredible Mr. Corpse. Then… the annoying Mr. Corpse, the big-headed Mr. Corpse, the impossible Mr. Corpse… Eventually, the curious Mr. Corpse realizes that Project Second Chance may not be what they seem.

This is another novel by Jeff Strand that kept me laughing from start to finish. It’s dedicated to his wife, and I’ve often wondered if all of these characters stem from his everyday sense of humor. She must be cracking up all the time! Or, on the verge of smothering him with a pillow 😉
Along with Stanley’s shenanigans and smart assery, there are very serious, and sometimes uncomfortable moments. It wouldn’t be a true Strand story if it didn’t make me shed a few tears. Stanley grew as a person when he became a ‘zombie’. He has to learn things the hard way, but he’s a guy that I would love to know IRL, (if he picks up that deodorant gig!).


I don’t know what Stanley’s assistant, Veronica, is thinking – Stanley is VERY quotable…

“If you eat me, you’ll just be a cannibal! And that’s shameful! Nobody likes cannibals!”

Gleefully Macabre



Events Horror Sale Zombies

Eat Your Heart Out ❤ Horror Author Extravaganza

You’ll recognize a few of the authors taking part in this event, I’ve reviewed some, chatted with others… But now’s your chance to meet these authors online❣ You can win prizes, and get some awesome books on sale. More authors, more zombies, post-apocalyptic, and spine-tingling tales all coming to your door Feb.14th❣

♡ These are the 30 authors in this extravaganza ♡

Rachel Aukes:100 Days in Deadland
A. Carina Barry: The Under-Circus and Other Tales
Owen Baillie: Aftermath (Invasion of the Dead, Book 1)
Jake Bible: Z-Burbia
Tonia Brown: Devouring Milo
Jason Christie: Zombie Killa
Joseph A. Coley: Six Feet From Hell: Crisis
Eli Constant: Dead Trees
Ricky Cooper: Designated Infected
Katie Cord: Stamps, Vamps, & Tramps
Craig DiLouie: The Retreat, Episode #1: Pandemic
Jackie Druga: Zombie Battle: Complete (5 books)
Dan Eagles: The Last Venture Capitalist
Kurt Fawver: Forever, In Pieces
Sarah Lyons Fleming: Until the End of the World
Rhiannon Frater: The Untold Tales Omnibus:
– Zombie Stories From the As The World Dies Universe (3 volumes)
Michael S Gardner: Downfall
Josh Hilden-The Shores of the Dead Book 1: The Rising
Michelle Kilmer: When the Dead & The Spread (2 books)
Eloise J. Knapp: Pulse
Sb Knight: Game of Straws, Game of Straws Origins,
– and Volume One of the Saga of Straws (trilogy)
Timothy Long: At the Behest of the Dead
Keith Milstead: Fish To Die For
Ripley Patton: Ghost Hold
Claire C. Riley-Odium: The Dead Saga
Damir Salkovic: The Black Ziggurat Double Feature
Randy Spears: Forget the Alamo: A Zombie Novella
Rachel Tsoumbakos: Emeline and the Mutants
Jack Wallen: I Zombie I
Darren Wearmouth: First Activation

The guest list is growing- additional authors are joining & extra books are being added, so keep checking back – you don’t want to miss out on any heart eating goodness❣
Ian Woodhead recently added all 6 of his Zombie books:
The Unwashed Dead
Walking with Zombies
Infected Bodies
Dead Veil
Dead Reaping
Human Filth
All discounted to 99¢
But, that’s not the best part! He’s releasing them as double-book packs, for the same price. You’ll be getting TWO books for 99c.

He’s throwing in free hugs, too ~ after all… it is Valentine’s Day❣


Horror Humor Random

No! Bad,Zombie!

Oh-no ya don’t! Get back in there, Chief…
Book Reviews Horror Short Story YA Zombies

Grandma? by J.A. & Talon Konrath

Grandma?Grandma? by J.A. Konrath
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You know how hard it is for me to review short stories! I’m always afraid of posting spoilers. So, here’s a Short & Sweet review for a short story…

This is a very good, short, YA zombie story written by J.A.Konrath and Talon Konrath. Don’t skip the intro 🙂
Tense moments and some humor that got me to laugh out loud, I’d recommend to everyone – zombie fan or not.
This AS was a surprise to some ‘Konrath’ fans. Now that I think about it though…there are many adult horror authors who are taking part in short YA stories… let me get a list together for us – this should be a fun discussion!

(I read this on 12/3/13)

View all my reviews

Book Reviews Coffin Hop Holiday Horror Horror Short Story Zombies

SPOOKY STACKS by Keene, Maberry, Nicholson, & Smith

Spooky Stacks Four Horror TalesSpooky Stacks Four Horror Tales by Scott Nicholson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

SPOOKY STACKS is Halloween book with SS from authors I already know & love, and it was free to download (>.<) FREE makes everything better, but SPOOKY STACKS earned the 5 star rating for it’s content, not it’s price.

“Fast Zombies Suck”Brian Keene
I wholeheartedly agree with this, fast zombies do suck! These things with the RAGE virus… they may be bitey, but they’re not real zombies.
Ken thinks this way, too. He wants his zombies traditional, shambling and moaning. He’s been ready for them to come, he’s seen all the movies. He knows what to do when TSHTF, and, it sure looks like today is that day…

“Pizza Face”Bryan Smith
Will Hopkins delivers pizza for a living, but he dreams of getting away, and of a bigger & better life. With one ring of a doorbell, his life is about to change forever – let’s hope he can survive what’s waiting for him on the other side. I think this was my favorite story in this collection. There were a couple points when I made audible sounds, earning me that ‘youre crazy’ look from my husband.

“A Farewell to Arms”Scott Nicholson
Casey & Maleah have holed up in an old barn at the edge of town. They met when the zombies came, and just kind of went in the same direction. They didn’t consciously decide to pair up. Now, though, they must decide if they want to team up, or is it better if they just go their separate ways.

“Cooked”Jonathan Maberry
Billy & Cooter had caused a bit of a ruckus the other day, kidnapping a few flamingos and garden gnomes from someone’s lawn. They thought it was the funniest thing in the world at the time. It’s not so funny anymore.

View Shadow Girl’s recent reviews

See this title on SMASHWORDS

Book Reviews Book Trailer Fiction Horror Horror Video Zombies

Darlings Of Decay ~ Book Trailer

This video trailer previews zombie stories from thirty-two of your favorite female authors in one, big Bestselling Zombie Anthology!
Featuring –

Tamara Rose Blodgett
Vanessa Booke
Chantal Boudreau
Laura Bretz
Tonia Brown
Catt Dahman
Mia Darien
CM Doporto
Jacqueline Druga
Dana Fredsti
Belinda Frisch
April Grey
Michelle Kilmer
Rebecca Hansen
Lori R. Lopez
Suzi M.
Tara Maya
Shannon Mayer
Lyra McKen
Cynthia Melton
Kristen Middleton
Chrissy Peebles
Jeannie Rae
Suzanne Robb
Julianne Snow
Rebecca Snow
Anna Taborska
Ally Thomas
C,A, Verstraete
A.R. Von
Annie Walls
Jen Wilde

With over 325,000 words and featuring some of Amazon’s Best Selling Female Authors of Horror, this is certainly not your typical anthology book!

Sit back as your favorite authors of zombie lit take you on a wild, horrifying ride that will leave you breathless. Come and meet the women who love to entertain you with their own unique versions of the zombie apocalypse




**********SPECIAL ALERT**********

As of right now, 8/22, for a limited time,  the Kindle edition of Darlings of Decay is on sale! #Free Download



Anthologies Fiction Horror Zombie Fiend Zombies

Darlings Of Decay

Chilling tales of zombie horror from thirty of your favorite female writers.

Featuring some of our favorite Zombie Grrls…

Tamara Rose Blodgett
Chantal Boudreau
Laura Bretz
Tonia Brown
Catt Dahman
Mia Darien
CM Doporto
Jacqueline Druga
Dana Fredsti
Belinda Frisch
April Grey
Michelle Kilmer
Rebecca Hansen
Lori R. Lopez
Suzi M
Shannon Mayer
Tara Maya
Lyra McKen
Cynthia Melton
Kristen Middleton
Chrissy Peebles
Jeannie Rae
Suzanne Robb
Julianne Snow
Rebecca Snow
Anna Taborska
Ally Thomas
Christine Verstraete
AR Von
Annie Walls
Jen Wilde

Sit back as your favorite authors of zombie lit take you on a wild, horrifying ride that will leave you breathless! Come and meet the women who love to entertain you with their own unique versions of the zombie apocalypse.
Even better, it’s FREE on Smashwords right now, and will be available on Amazon soon!!
Smashwords has every format available for you, download a copy for every device!


A Message from Ronald Poppo (Victim of Miami ‘zombie’ attack)

Ronald Poppo thanks the community for their support. Send Mr. Poppo your well wishes using #Wishes4Poppo on Twitter. To check out his most recent photos, including pictures from his birthday, visit
You can check out the full article – “ONE YEAR LATER: See what the ‘Miami Zombie’ victim looks like today” – at this link….
On May 26, 2012, Ronald Poppo was brought to Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital after being attacked on the MacArthur Causeway. He spent nearly a month at Ryder, recovering from severe facial injuries, before being moved to Jackson Memorial Perdue Medical Center, a long-term care facility

Dark Humor Horror Zombies

May Is Zombie Awareness Month
