Dark Humor Holiday Horror Shenanigans

They’ll Think It’s Only The Tryptophan…

book discussions Holiday Horror Horror

Mother’s Day Reads

I don’t know how things are where you live, but Michigan’s governor has added visits to family members to our ‘stay at home’ order – unless it’s a medical emergency. That sounds like a great reason to stay home and read!

Some #HolidayHorror suggestions

Mother’s Boys 

What do you) get when a group of psychopathic killers take on a family of mutated freaks? A whole lot of bloody good fun and Daniel I. Russell delivers it in spades!


This story will take you on a tearful journey as you explore a volatile mother-daughter relationship. Sometimes sometimes love doesn’t conquer all…
(Free today on Amazon)

I Try My Best

This is a short story about one woman reliving her past failures and dealing with the guilt she faces daily.

Anthologies Extreme Horror Holiday Horror Horror

Need An Earth Day Read?

Celebrate #EarthDay 🌎 with a creepy twist! Check out Leslie Connor’s short story ‘I ♥ RECYCLING‘ in A HACKED-UP HOLIDAY MASSACRE.

The last place Matt wants to be is in the woods, with his family, just because his step-dad wants to plant a tree for Earth Day. But this Earth Day awakens something evil in these woods, and Matt doesn’t know if he, or his family, will make it out alive.

Dark Humor Events Free Holiday Horror Horror

Valentine’s Day ♡ What are you reading?


Don’t know what to read this week? Not into bodice-ripper romance?
Here are a few recommendations for your Valentine’s Day reading…

Lucky Stiff by Tonia Brown
An erotic zombie tale

Happy Ever After by Matt Shaw
A serial killer love story

Baby Fever by Kyle Noble
Valentine’s Day cult fiction

Bob The Valentine, a Bob The Zombie book by Jamie Johnesee
The furthering adventures of Bob The Zombie

Radar Love (Ultimate Hustle) by Jason Z. Christie
Two hard-loving antiheroes in an epic love story

♡ The fastest way to a gal’s heart is with a scalpel ♡

These are all 4 or 5 star books on Amazon and Goodreads, and from my own reviews/discussions.
They’re all reasonably priced in ebook form, each one linked to it’s Amazon page.
Tonia Brown is having a LUCKY STIFF VALENTINE’S DAY event on Facebook, (I did a post on it a few days ago – all info HERE!) along with a sale for the ebook.
If you’ve never read Matt Shaw – HEA could be free for you! Visit his Facebook Author Page and ask him really sweetly. Tell him SG sent ya!
Baby Fever is from StrangeHouseBooks, go ask them for a free copy – I’m curious to find out what happens! – I’m just teasing! SHB runs promotions all the time, and even if you don’t catch things on sale, they’re very reasonably priced!

Anthologies Book Reviews Dark Humor Holiday Horror Horror


I’ve completed my [Goodreads] ˙·٠•●♥ 2013 Reading Challenge ♥●•٠·˙ – (ahead of schedule, and beyond my personal goal – go, me!) But, I’m still sitting here wishing I had read so much more! I need more time! More hours in the day, more days in the week… UGH! It’s so frustrating!
I started reading titles from StrangeHouse Books in 2013, and I wish I could say that I’m ending this year all caught up, that I’ve devoured them all quicker than a Cannibal in Fat Camp! ::sigh:: That, however, is not the case. But, it gives me a goal for 2014!!

A Very StrangeHouse Christmas

“This collection of 9 twisted tales of Christmas horror brings together weirdo literary talent from around the world, all with the sole purpose of turning the most sacred of holidays on its head, and making sweet, sweet love to its defenseless ear holes!”

“Join SHB ring leader Kevin Strange, as well as StrangeHouse anthology alumni Rich Bottles Jr., Jesse Wheeler, KM Tepe, and newcomers like Lindsey Goddard and MP Johnson on this sometimes magical, always fucked up journey to the north pole. We promise you’ll never look at Christmas the same way ever again!”

For last year’s ‘HOLIDAY HORROR BINGE & PURGE’ event, my main Holiday book to read, and review, was A HACKED-UP HOLIDAY MASSACRE. (It turned out to be a book of all holidays, not just Christmas, but ‘Irreverent Merriment, Diabolical Debauchery, and Gory Good Times‘ were had by all!!) Hacked Up HOLIDAY This year, I started earlier and got to fit in many more books from my holiday horror wish list. Two of this year’s reads are fighting for the top spot on my Happy List – A Very StrangeHouse Christmas is one of the two.

INTRODUCTION:  Kevin Strange

Kafka’s Run by Billy Tea:
The Kafka’s are Gift Heads & they’re in the run. Gift Heads are a slave race to the fat man. Raised in prison camps, tended to by elves, and eventually beheaded when they reach maturity. Their severed gift-heads are offered as sacrifice to appease the tiny Earth Gods. Fantastic story.

Do Not Buy by MP Johnson:
A ‘Tickle This’ kind of story! Quick, gross, and wonderful!

The Unlisted by Jesse Wheeler:
YOU WANT NAUGHTY? You got it with this story! Sex, debauchery, violence, & more!

Image from the security camera in the Women's Plus Size dressing rooms
Image from the security camera in the Women’s Plus Size dressing rooms

Things in here had me cracking up (in between a gag, or a cringe) – one hilarious fact about these elves… they shit the cookie dough that Mrs. Claus bakes for Santa. When TSHTF, there’s a line about an elf who got so scared “he nearly nogged his pants”!! (It makes perfect sense that they pee egg nog, if they shit dough, right?!) WARM & FRESH!

Dear Santa Claus by K.M. Tepe:
A letter to Santa from the Naughty K.M. Tepe – If I were the fat man, I’d make sure every item on that list was specially delivered with added bows made of cash…

Think twice before leaving me coal again, ya Prick!!
Think twice before leaving me coal again, ya Prick!!

*Message for K.M. Tepe:
Ever since I opened up my very first MySpace account, I’ve used the same line in the About Me section of practically every account – still using it today.
After reading your bio in the back of this book, I just wanted to make a note of it just in case you see it yourself somewhere. There’s no “This town ain’t big enough fir the both of us” reasoning or mentality behind this note – It’s more like a brunch invitation! If you’re ever in Detroit, look me up… we can hang out in the alley behind Poetry Slam, guzzling coffee, and poking the corpse of Wino Willie!

Blood On The Highway by Lindsey Goddard:
The anguish of a mother’s loss is not bound by species.
A woman, her husband, and his brother are driving through a terrible storm, on they’re way for what was supposed to be a relaxing holiday. This is a very good SS! I’m hoping that Lindsey sees this and can recommend a better pic – one that looks like the inside of her brain!

This is an image that I found on a Google Image Search - It does not reflect the authors imagery in any way
*This is an image that I found on a Google Image Search – It does not reflect the authors imagery in any way

Kathi the Sexy Elf by Rich Bottles Jr.:
A department store Santa, who is following in his dad’s footprints as the jolly fat man for the same store, decides to do something remarkably sweet for his ‘Helper’ this year. The helper, Kathi, makes a very sexy elf, and she has some surprises of her own in store for Santa…
I can’t wait to read some of the stories in Rich’s ‘humorrorotica‘ genre! Some links are provided at the bottom.

Christmas with the Family by Jonathan Byrd:
This one should be called “A FUCKED UP FAMILY CHRISTMAS”.
Other Jonathan Byrd titles on Amazon include –
BIG, The Jar, UNSHACKLED, and The Mommies Club. But, after reading this short, I’m not entirely convinced that it’s the same guy!! 🙂

The Witch who Fucked Christmas by Kevin Strange:
This story is a tie in to one of Kev’s movies, but it stands alone just fine.
Set in STRANGEVILLE, ILLINOIS, a worn out & broke down Santa is about to go head to head with The Hag of Horrors herself – Sasparilla, The Weed Witch. The victor will hold the bag that contains all the magic of Christmas. But, you can’t expect the Hag of Horrors to play fair… can you?
Nixon and Hogan Smoke Christmas YouTube trailer
Hack Films / Kevin Strange on YouTube

I’m Dreaming of a White Doomsday by Mike Lombardo:
Save the best for last, Kev? Yeah. I’m going to get this review posted, then go slit my wrists. xxoo 

After Notes, Links, & Other Randomly Strange[House] Fun

I’ve been adding and updating this section since the original post, and I’m still not finished.
I would like to include as much info as possible for each author that is/was involved with SHB while the books below were published.
This section will eventually become a StrangeHouse Spotlight Page
**If YOU are one of those authors, please – contact me! I’d like to post any info/links that you would like fans to know about!!***

Check out the StrangeHouseBooks blog on WordPress
‘LIKE’ StrangeHouseBooks on Facebook

Kevin Strange on Goodreads
K.M. Tepe on Goodreads
Rich Bottles Jr. on Goodreads
Mike Lombardo on Goodreads
Lindsey Goddard on Goodreads
Jesse Wheeler on Goodreads
Billy Tea on Goodreads
M.P. Johnson on Goodreads
Jonathan Byrd on Goodreads

Take this quiz and find out!! Post your results in the comments, I’d love to see them – I’ll Make sure that I get a link to Kevin, so he can see your results, too!

The Last Gig On Planet Earth And Other Strange Stories
Strange Sex
Strange Versus Lovecraft
Tales of Questionable Taste
Zombie! Zombie! Brain Bang!
Scary Fucking Stories: A Strange Collection

VOYEURISM, in 140 characters or less –

Other Books from Rich Bottles Jr.
“[…] makes Deliverance look like a family raft trip down the Lower Gauley”
Hellhole West Virginia
“Eco-friendly vampires, beach-yearning zombies and sex-starved she-devils.”
The Manacled
“What happens when twin brothers lease out the former West Virginia State Penitentiary with the false purpose of filming a documentary on supernatural phenomena, but their true intention is to make a pornographic movie? Chaos ensues as the disturbed spirits of murdered convicts, along with the reanimated dead from the neighboring Indian Burial Mound, take their vengeance on the unwary and undressed trespassers. Zombies, ghosts, mobsters and porn collide in this bizarro tale from horror author Rich Bottles Jr.”
*I HAVE TO GET THIS BOOK!* (Update – Rich sent me a copy of this, along with some awesome author swag! Thanks, Rich!!)

Check out ‘Gross-Out Author’ Jesse Wheeler’s Dinner at the Vomitropolis – I have this, but haven’t had the nerve to start reading it yet.

The Big Book of Bizarro
The Big Book of Bizarro Erotica Collection
The Big Book of Bizarro Horror Collection
The Big Book of Bizarro Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection

Visit the official website of Mike Lombardo’s Reel Splatter Productions! They’re a small independent horror-comedy troupe based out of Lancaster, Pennsylvania whose goal is to prove artistic expression can involve necrophilia & chainsaws! Visit RSP now, and see some horrible monstrosities commit unspeakable acts! YAY!! |

Writer/Director/FX Artist and author of this book’s SS titled I’M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY – Mike “Dr.Chud” Lombardo just released THE STALL on DVD and it is ready to ship!
It’s the story of a young pizza shop employee whi finds himself trapped in a public restroom during the Lovecraftian apocalypse. The DVD contains buckets of exclusive bloody extras that aren’t available on YouTube.

A Hacked-Up Holiday Massacre: Halloween is Going to be Jealous on Amazon

A Very StrangeHouse Christmas on Amazon

Book Reviews Holiday Horror Horror Short Story Zombies

Zombie Thanksgiving: A YA Paranormal Story

Zombie Thanksgiving: A YA Paranormal StoryZombie Thanksgiving: A YA Paranormal Story by Rusty Fischer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend at Parnassus Preparatory Academy for Troubled Adolescents, aka Paranoia Prep, and most of the students have gone home to spend it with their families. Except for Cassie.
It’s not revealed why Cassie has stayed behind, but it’s not important in this short story. If we meet her again, then I may have the urge to find out. She is startled when the Zombie Job Squad comes by her room to clean the floors. At first, she’s a snarky little teenager looking down her nose at the Zombie who comes to clean. But, when she realizes that he is not a slow, stupid, shambler – (he was injected with ‘the cure’ soon enough to not lose too much of his humanity) – but, a boy named Reggie who is just doing the best he can in his situation, she lightens up, and turns into a person I could stand reading about.
It is a neat short story. It explains why these zombies aren’t trying to eat them, so it makes sense, but isn’t too much to get boring or in the way of he story.
There is a little adventure, and thankfully no real romance. It’s not scary, either. If you’re a zombie mega-fan and are trying to get your daughter away from Twilight and into the Walking Dead – this is a great introduction.
I remember this author’s name. When I first found Smashwords, it was a name I remember seeing frequently – attached to vampire short stories.
So, all in all, it’s a good story. I’m only taking it down to a four star from a five star because, to me, it feels like it’s aimed at females more than a general audience. THAT’S NOT A BAD THING, it’s really not. I just didn’t get that feel from the cover. AND, REMEMBER, that is only MY opinion. A few of the YA Horror books I’ve blogged about… I told you to read the books yourself before handing over to your kids, because of the graphic violence. You can be comfortable handing this one right over without worrying. However,if there are follow up stories about Cassie & Reggie… there may be a relationship brewing, so if you’re concerned about that, peruse subsequent titles first.