BBB Exclusive Coffin Hop Fiction Horror Original Serial

Serial: The Conclusion

Posted on September 30, 2013 by Jack Chaser



Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Ms. Mallone, it’s Detective Barker calling again. If you could call me back it is of the utmost importance.


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Ms. Mallone, it’s Detective Barker.

Ma’am, we are investigating the case of Mr. James Willis. We know you were likely the last person he was seen with and I have some unfortunate news. I see no reason not to hide the details as it leaked to the local news within minutes of it happening.

Mr Willis was found dead in the dumpster behind the restaurant you and he had dinner at last week. Ahhhhh, it’s here…. Tino’s, I believe it’s called. A waitress found him at the end of her shift when she took out the trash.

Ma’am, the condition of the body was pretty grim. Most of his upper musculature was missing and …… there were marks on his body in and around the wounds. Our pathologist has indicated that the marks were made by a human mouth. That human teeth had…… made them.

We questioned all the staff including Alissa, your waitress, who have seen you with several men in the establishment in the last few months. They seemed to indicate you were never seen with the same men more than once and never ate while you were there.

I don`t think I need to tell you by now that one of the men, Jason Fairman, was found in a similar fashion last month.

This can all be cleared up if you come in to the station and answer a few questions. We certainly don`t think you could have done this. The coroner believes that someone over powered these men and the wounds were inflicted while they were ….. while they were still alive.

Please come in when you can.


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Hi Susan. It`s Ryan. Just wanted to thank you for an amazing night the other night. I know you didn`t eat much but the way you were looking at me said it all.

Can`t wait to see you again. call me.


BBB Exclusive Coffin Hop Fiction Horror Original Serial

SERIAL: Part Seven by Jack Chaser

Posted on September 28, 2013 by Jack Chaser



Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Good afternoon, Ms. Mallone. My name is Detective John Barker with the County Sheriff’s Department.

We are investigating a missing person’s report filed by the family of Mr. James Willis. He has been missing since late last night and was seen in your neighborhood around the time of his disappearance.

We know you have been in contact with him in the last few days so if you could please give me a call I just have a few questions. My number is 613 847-1474.

Thank you.



BBB Exclusive Coffin Hop Fiction Horror Original Serial

SERIAL: Part 6 by Jack Chaser

Posted on September 28, 2013 by Jack Chaser



Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


So, I’ve been just wandering around all night.

I have likely walked by your place a half a dozen times and I see your light is on so I know you,re home. I just can’t figure out why you don’t want to talk to me.

I thought things went pretty good. You laughed. You smiled. At one point, you actually shivered when you touched my hand across the table. We really had a good time.

I could just walk up to your door right now if I wanted to. I am that close.

All that time I wasted. Thinking I was anything but a piece of meat to you. Spending money I didn’t fucking have for you to just brush me off right after dinner like I meant nothing.

I am standing on your fucking door step right now and I know you can hear me. You hear me out here, you fucking slut!

I should just kick this fucking door down but no. I am going to wait. I will wait until you think you are completely happy and then I will destroy it. I will fuck you in every possible way I can think of. I will choke you while I fuck you until you pass out and are so near death you can see the fucking gates of heaven. Then I will bring you back because miserable cunts like you deserve to be rotting in hell.

I really thought I could fall in love with you but you are just like all the other whores I have ever went out with. I know I am not the best looking guy and could likely hit the gym more often but……

I can fucking hear you right behind the door, you bitch!

I can practically hear you breathing.

Open the door, Susan! I just want to talk. I promise.

Open the fucking door. You can even record everything I say. I just want to tell you to your face that you will never find anyone better than me.

Fine. You know what . Fuck you. I should have just waited here the other night and let you watch what I did to your cat. That pussy suffered. The fucking same way you will. Be seeing you.


Oh, now you open the fucking door.

You don’t understand…….

Oh, I get it alright. Its typical. Bitches like you never get what you have coming to you. That changes right now.

I didn’t want to hurt you.

Hurt me? You have to be fucking kidding. You honestly think you can hurt me?

Oh, I think I can.


What are you doing?

What the fuck are you doing?




BBB Exclusive Coffin Hop Fiction Horror Original Serial

SERIAL: Part Five by Jack Chaser

Posted on September 27, 2013 by Jack Chaser



Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.




Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


So who the fuck is the new guy now? Another fucking brother? Yeah. I fucking doubt that.

Don’t try to deny it. I saw the two of you at the same fucking restaurant you took me to. Did you order his fucking dinner for him the same way you did mine? Make him pay for your meal you just pushed around your plate? Fucking waste of fucking money. You never even touched it. A fucking hundred dollars for dinner and all you did was sip a glass of wine.

Is that your thing? Leading fucking guys on? Get them to spend money on you and then leave them dangling? That fucking bottle of wine was over half my pay cheque and I don’t even get a god damn kiss good night.

Fuck you.


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Just call me,please?


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Okay. I can take the hint. You don’t want to talk to me. I fucking hate being ignored but if that’s the kind of whore you want to be then go be it.

I waited outside your place for over four hours and you never showed up. Likely out slutting it up with some new guy. All I wanted was for you to tell me to my face that you didn’t give a shit about me.

Hell, I even sat on your step for a while and scratched your cat behind the ears. It was certainly a much more appreciative pussy than you will likely ever be.

Good bye, Susan. I hope the next guy you screw around bends you over in that restaurant and fucks you like you have fucked he guys you take there.


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.



Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Don’t bother looking for your cat.

Bad things happen to pussies that don’t play nice.


BBB Exclusive Coffin Hop Fiction Horror Original Serial

SERIAL: Part Four by Jack Chaser

Posted on September 26, 2013 by Jack Chaser


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


So, that’s it? You’ve moved on?

You could have fucking told me there was another fucking man in your life. Fuck.

That’s fine. It’s just fucking fine.


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.



Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Umm, look.

I am really sorry. I saw on your Facebook page before you removed me that your brother was in town for a few days.

Even you have to admit that to anyone seeing you guys together, the way you were draped over him, might make it look like you guys were a couple. I mean he practically was grabbing your ass, for God’s sake.

It was just really painful to see you with someone else alright?

So just call me when you have a minute. Please.


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.



Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


You really don’t have to be such a bitch about this. I really fucking hate being ignored. It’s stupid sluts like you leading guys like me on that really gets girls hurt. It sure would be shitty if something happened to you before you accepted my apology.


BBB Exclusive Fiction Horror Original Serial

SERIAL: Part Three by Jack Chaser

Posted on September 25, 2013 by Jack Chaser


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Hi, it’s James. I just wanted to say sorry again for stopping by your place again last night. I just hadn’t heard from you and I really started to worry. I rang the doorbell a few times and thought your light was on but maybe you went out and left it on. I know it’s not my place to worry about you but it’s hard not to. So just call me okay?


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.



Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Look if you don’t want to talk to me again just tell me alright. I just thought we had a really great time. The waitress even said how great we looked together remember? I don’t think she’s the only one that saw it.

I mean would it really be that hard to just call me back ? You don’t have to be such a bitch about it…….

Sorry. I didn’t really mean that. I am just frustrated. Just call me or text me when you have a minute please. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.



SERIAL: Part Two by Jack Chaser

Posted on September 24, 2013 by Jack Chaser


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Hey, it’s James again. I thought I would just give you another call to say how much fun I had the other night. Especially walking you home after. You looked really great standing there…….. I just really wanted to kiss you.


I guess I should have waited for you to try to kiss me. I am really sorry about that. I just couldn’t help myself. No hard feelings right?

So just call me when you get the chance……… please?


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.



Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


BBB Exclusive Coffin Hop Horror Original Serial

Serial: Part One by Jack Chaser

Posted on September 23, 2013 by Jack Chaser


Hi, this is Susan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will call you right back.


Hey Sue, it’s James. I know you’re not supposed to call someone like, right after a date, but I just wanted to say thank you for a great night. That little Greek place around the corner from your house was amazing. So glad you suggested it.

Anyway, I thought we really connected and I can’t wait to see you again.

Call me anytime.

BBB Exclusive Coffin Hop Horror Original Serial

Jack Chaser’s Horror Serial – Foreward

Like I stated, I will link you to Jack Chaser‘s original posts at the end of the week, I want to make sure you don’t read ahead! (Feel free to search his linked blog The Things I See Up Here for clues ::winks::

Posted on September 23, 2013 by Jack Chaser

One of the greatest reading experiences of my life was reading Stephen King’s ” The Green Mile”.

The content of the book was fantastic to begin with but that wasn’t what sold it. It was a serial novel where one section of the book came out the first week of each month. The first couple of sections amped up the tension and the mystery to the point where I was waiting for the delivery truck to show up on the day I knew the next section was coming out at the little local book store.

It’s also something I have always wanted to try. Even on a smaller scale.

My plan is simple and also a challenge for me. For the next week, a new piece will come out everyday until its inevitable conclusion.

I hope it’s as enjoyable for you to read as it is for me to write.