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BloodBoundBooks – BLOOD BANK

A recent post I’m sharing from BloodBoundBooks …

Blood Bank

Blood Bound Books is proud to announce our first charitable anthology: Blood Bank!

Charity is a cornerstone of our company, and our three flagship initiatives can be found here. So when Mark Scioneaux asked for our help in bringing his anthology idea to life, we knew we couldn’t resist.

So far the T.O.C. features: Neil Gaiman, Jo Kaplan, Jeremy Robert Johnson, Lucy Leitner, and Patrick Frievald, and we are signing new authors every week.

As more details become available, including cover art and an official release date for 2022, we’ll announce them on our blog and social media pages. Proceeds of the anthology sales will be split between Read Better Be Better in Arizona and Hagar’s House in New Orleans.

Please take a moment to find out about their missions:

Read Better Be Better:

Hagar’s House:

Watch for further, and upcoming details!

31 Days Of Halloween Free Horror

A #FREE Short Story by Nikki

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the ball pit at Cheesy Chucks after hours? Let’s expand on that a little, I’m sure you’ve wondered just how often they wash their balls… 😆 You’ll get answers to questions you never knew you had when you read INTO THE PIT! (Did ya see that 5★ rating?!)

Head over to BloodBoundBooks to read this great short from Nikki Noir! Then pop over to RedRumReviews for information on reading BLACK PLANET: A  Serialized  Novel of Occult Horror, and how you can read the first Season FREE !

INTO THE PIT is brought to you via BloodBoundBooks, and in part by Robert Essig and Chew On This!

book discussions Horror Series social media

Hell Yeah, RedLine is Back, Bitches!

Did you love Toxic Love? Did you think #HORRIBLE was horribly awesome? What about HornWolf? Let me just quote myself on that one, saying it’s cool – in a Serbian book kinda way… 😉 Well, we KNOW how much I dig the series, and can’t get enough, so this is HUGE Yay! news for me! What are your thoughts on the series so far? Comment here, or on the books individual review pages if you’d rather.

A recent FB post by BloodBoundBooks reads…

What happened to RedLine?

Can I re-submit?

Thanks to The Splatter Club, RedLine is back! Not to mention, they are open to year-round submissions.

Get the full story HERE.

I’m So Freakin’ Happy!!
book discussions Holiday Horror Horror

Mother’s Day Reads

I don’t know how things are where you live, but Michigan’s governor has added visits to family members to our ‘stay at home’ order – unless it’s a medical emergency. That sounds like a great reason to stay home and read!

Some #HolidayHorror suggestions

Mother’s Boys 

What do you) get when a group of psychopathic killers take on a family of mutated freaks? A whole lot of bloody good fun and Daniel I. Russell delivers it in spades!


This story will take you on a tearful journey as you explore a volatile mother-daughter relationship. Sometimes sometimes love doesn’t conquer all…
(Free today on Amazon)

I Try My Best

This is a short story about one woman reliving her past failures and dealing with the guilt she faces daily.

book discussions Book Reviews Extreme Horror Horror Series

HORNWOLF by Evan Romero


Ashwood. A quiet Midwest town where nothing much happens. That all changes when the mutilated bodies of a young couple are discovered in the woods. Chief of Police Cynthia Carver initially dismisses it as an animal attack. However, the discovery of sexual assault against one of the corpses leaves her baffled. As more bodies pile up, Cynthia will discover the assailant isn’t an ordinary animal. And unless she can stop it, she may be his next victim…

When his balls are blue and the penis rises, the wolf comes out!

I don’t think that I’ve read anything by Evan Romero before, but I’m looking for more now.

This is a surprisingly fun read – in a ‘Serbian-Book‘ kind of way!

I’m dying to know what happened to BloodBoundBooksRedLine Series! After a rock solid beginning with Toxic Love by Kristopher Triana, followed up by #Horrible by KJ Moore, the series died off…no note, no cab fare. Just gone. Only a wet spot left behind.

Hornwolf is no longer available on Amazon, or on BloodBoundBooks‘ website. So, it looks like my main point of this post is to say ‘Suck it, losers!’

I’m just kidding!!  And, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a copy (unless something really weird happened) if you contact BloodBoundBooks, or the author. In the meantime, I’ll try to find answers re: RedLine, and I’ll keep you updated!



Check out Hornwolf on Goodreads

Follow Evan Romero on Goodreads, and  Facebook.

Check out BloodBoundBooks – because they’re awesome! Don’t miss the Free Stories & Video Readings page while you’re there.

Anthologies Book Reviews Extreme Horror Horror Series




This is a horrible collection of horrible stories about horrible people, perhaps even for horrible people.” ~KJ Moore

I enjoyed reading #HORRIBLE, the second issue in BloodBoundBooks’ RED LINE series.
Does that make me horrible? Who’s to say?
The author drags you through some unpleasant places, and makes you THINK – how can that be a bad thing?

A bit about the stories…

I love this one. I put the book down because I really started to think about the different people… Maybe I’m a bit more twisted than some, cuz I think I’d like to sit and people-watch at this point, too

I never thought about how this could be a viable source of income for certain individuals, or how fucked up it is when you think about it for more than a minute!
The mental torture that they must endure… wow …

I feel like I’ve read this one before, but not sure when or where.
*(Update: it was in the first volume of the D.O.A. Extreme Horror Anthology)
It made me feel claustrophobic.
It’s funny how most people, myself included, value the lives of animals over most humans.

Hmmm. I suppose that kids don’t really understand how wrong certain things are – but most kids don’t have these feelings, do they? I’m not sure.
Good story telling got me in the right head space, but I still don’t know if he’s just a very lonely & confused little boy, or something much darker.

Not sure what to make of this yet. I have to chew on it for a bit longer.

Angie, not exactly ‘boys will be boys’ material, is it?
Judy, think a little harder and/or longer when it comes to your mom, huh?
And, well, Courtney… If vibrators killed spiders, we wouldn’t need men at all now would we?

I wonder… If ‘Death’ wanted to find/have/keep love, could s/he?
It’s a heartbreaking thought, so an existential crisis might be a lighter topic to dwell on.

* I especially like the “self-inflicted stupidity” sentence 😉

Bypass my squeamishness you say… 😶

Best beginning sentence ever.
Ishmael can suck it!

Well. That was disturbing.

I’m not going to try to play the scholar, and say that this story’s ‘symbolism is clearly a statement about the blah blah & bullshit in today’s society…’
And, honestly, I’m usually not into sci-fi, but I enjoyed this short.
I’m still giggling about how we, as humans, have better profanity, and our bitching is top notch!
BTW – I want a schnooklybob. A pink one, not a blue one.


A review? I just can’t.
I needed to nope out at the second page, but I forced myself to read every word, with tears streaming down my face. Why? Because I used to know a woman who’s story is quite similar. The woman was not involved, the man was the birth father, and the infant (don’t judge me) thankfully did not survive. Like the author states in the forewarning, the physical logistics were too much for me to even try to comprehend.
I read it for Nevaeh.