book discussions Horror Movie Adaptations

Michael Ling’s movie adaptation of Edward Lee’s ‘THE BIGHEAD’

The Book They Said Could Never be Filmed…

…Is now the movie you won’t believe 
anyone dared to make…

It’s been about a year since I reviewed the book The Bighead by Edward Lee – (see review HERE).  I had heard rumors at the time about there being a movie adaptation in the works, but anyone who’s read the book knows that a movie of this book would be very hard to make/release!

…the more I read, the more convinced I became – convinced that the film cannot be done! At least, not in regards to the book!
This graphic sex, rape, bodily fluid, and scat filled book was enough to literally make me nauseous – almost losing the battle once or twice!
If you haven’t read the book, then the movie might turn out to be one of the best horror / torture porn movies since the original HOSTEL. But, movie goers who did read the book first – they’ll be expecting #MurderPorn/#TorturePorn, and nothing short of Bighead’s descriptive culinary experiences will abide. It’s going to be a rough road for director Michael Lee. As for the fans – it’s hard to say…                    ~ Shadow Girl 5/18/2014

As luck would have it… someone shared my post with Michael Lee, and he was awesome enough to chat with me about it. (comments, updates, and links are all posted HERE).

I just messaged Michael to get permission to share a video with you, and he’s still up for doing a little Q & A with yours truely – YAY!

::excuse me whilst I fangirl::

You gotta love my Michigan Madmen!  So… yes, you heard me correctly – ‘share a video with you’! It’s time to put the kiddies to bed, put away the snacks, and grab your huggy pillow to watch

Edward Lee’s The Bighead-The ROUGH Cut

“This is our initial cut of the flick, while it is a bit rough (in more ways than one), we wanted to share it with our fans as thanks for all the support! Hope y’all enjoy it, and remember to hide the kids before watching!!”           ~ Michael Ling

Edward Lee’s The Bighead-The ROUGH Cut from Michael Ling on Vimeo.


The Bighead by Ed Lee

Never have I been so ashamed of myself for laughing so hard at something so utterly depraved!

The Bighead (Author's Preferred Version)The Bighead by Edward Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“She stove the baby’s head in with a cast-iron skillet. The head burst like a pale, ripe fruit.” So begins splatterpunk author Lee’s infamous 1997 novel, the reading of which has become a rite of passage for gore-hounds everywhere. Many call it the grossest book ever written—and, for once, the hype ain’t hyperbole. Two new friends, big-city nyphomaniac Jerrica and small-town nymphomaniac-in-training Charity, travel to the latter’s Appalachian hometown, where they meet a foul-mouthed priest who has been tasked with restoring a mysterious abbey. Elsewhere in town, two slobbering, insane, and horny backwoods moonshiners tirelessly rape and murder random people in ways that are, shall we say, creative. Also entering into the fun is the hydrocephalatic cannibal known as the Bighead, “a deformed, woods-rompin’, brain-eatin’, pussy-bustin’ retart!” How to review something so revolting? There must be 50 over-the-top sex scenes, half of them assaults, and many of them involving orifices not typically awarded the spotlight. (Spoiler: one involves a colostomy bag.) The problem for those looking to chuck this book into the wood-chipper is that Lee can actually write, and in those rare moments when he’s not giving into his deviant obsessions, his expansive vocabulary and ear for hill-country slang make for some swell readin’: “Gawd damn, but weren’t it good ta et a raw brain busted fresh out the skull!” Got a strong stomach? Fine, then, but we’d still recommend having a barf bag at the ready. –Daniel Kraus —

I am following the Facebook page for the movie they’re trying to make. (Edward Lee’s The Bighead – The Movie)
The more I read, the more convinced I became – convinced that the film cannot be done! At least, not in regards to the book!
This graphic sex, rape, bodily fluid, and scat filled book was enough to literally make me nauseous – almost losing the battle once or twice!
If you haven’t read the book, then the movie might turn out to be one of the best horror / torture porn movies since the original HOSTEL. But, movie goers who did did read the book first – they’ll be expecting #MurderPorn, and nothing short of Bighead’s descriptive culinary experiences will abide. It’s going to be a rough road for director Michael Lee. As for the fans – it’s hard to say…
*(EDITED IN NOTE: News from a fan, and from the director – “…we have managed to get the short film made and are still in talks to get a feature version going (sometime soon, we hope).”.

I’ve read a lot of stories from Ed Lee, (I’m on an extreme horror / splatterpunk binge), and I am always looking forward to starting something by him that ALL my friends have read -but I wasn’t prepared to dwell into the places that The Bighead considered home!
I did enjoy reading this, in spite of Lee’s over-the-top-ness! I had moments where my laughter would accidentally turn into, or cause, a gag – but I’d still be cracking up!
I think the 5th star would have made it, if the poo hadn’t been there!
P, L, & N

View all my Goodreads reviews HERE

UPDATE – 5/21/14

Update from Dread Central, includes VIDEO TRAILER

The HollyShorts Film Festival is held annually in August, but to keep the momentum going all year, the organizers have monthly screenings of outstanding short films. As it turns out, one of them, The Bighead, was a little too much for the audience to handle. Read onfor the details…

Read more: