book discussions Book Reviews Extreme Horror Series


Before the cures, there are the experiments.

His heart was in the right place.
His mind, though, was in a much darker place.

If horror movies have taught us anything, it’s that the big, beautiful house that you’re looking at – the one that is priced WAY too low to be able to believe – is being sold for a reason!  Just look what happened in Amityville!

When the HOUSE says "Get out" - you GTFO!!
When the HOUSE says “Get out” – you GTFO!!

Becky & Kevin have obviously never watched a horror movie, and are moving in to their nice, new, creepy AF home – with the added bonus of getting to keep the previous tenant’s belongings! YAY! Those hospital beds in the attic will sure come in handy!

The couple doesn’t have to worry about the walls bleeding, or flies taking over the bedroom. Their house isn’t haunted. This isn’t the Amityville Horror! Becky & Kevin’s horror story is only beginning, and their fate is much, much worse.

The doctor is IN!

Fun excerpt from LAB RAT:

“You like to read?” the realtor asked – hoping to find a common interest to make her more of an option to purchase from.

“I do,” Becky’s answer was short and sweet.

“Who’s your favorite? I’m a sucker for Stephen King. The way he builds his characters up, adding layer, upon layer… He is a true master of his craft.”

“He is,” Becky answered. Again, keeping it short and sweet.

“My wife prefers… Oh… What are their names… Matt Not Shaw and Iain Rob Wrong.”

“Excuse my husband, he’s being an idiot.”


LAB RAT by Matt Shaw is available on Amazon for $2.99, FREE for KU subscribers!

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