coming soon Events Horror

BloodBoundBooks – BLOOD BANK

A recent post I’m sharing from BloodBoundBooks …

Blood Bank

Blood Bound Books is proud to announce our first charitable anthology: Blood Bank!

Charity is a cornerstone of our company, and our three flagship initiatives can be found here. So when Mark Scioneaux asked for our help in bringing his anthology idea to life, we knew we couldn’t resist.

So far the T.O.C. features: Neil Gaiman, Jo Kaplan, Jeremy Robert Johnson, Lucy Leitner, and Patrick Frievald, and we are signing new authors every week.

As more details become available, including cover art and an official release date for 2022, we’ll announce them on our blog and social media pages. Proceeds of the anthology sales will be split between Read Better Be Better in Arizona and Hagar’s House in New Orleans.

Please take a moment to find out about their missions:

Read Better Be Better:

Hagar’s House:

Watch for further, and upcoming details!

Book Reviews Horror splatterpunk

CANNIBAL FAT CAMP by Mark C. Scioneaux & David C. Hayes

Boy, that escalated quickly.


Mark C. Scioneaux & David C. Hayes

The school year is about to end, and Miles Landish is ready to start his summer vacation. Especially since he just got busted, again, for stealing his classmates lunches. Not just a Twinkie here, or a sandwich there – oh no. Miles had just binged his way down the hall, breaking into lockers along the way. If the embarrassment from being caught red handed wasn’t enough, he also split his pants bending over – flashing ‘The Goat’ to every teacher & student in the hallway!

The principal has had enough of Miles, and wants him to spend his senior year at another school. Well, if you’ve got snooty parents, and more money than God, you can pretty much write your own ticket – and his parents take full advantage of how much the school needs their financial support.

They put their heads together and come up with a mutually beneficial decision – send Miles to Camp Tum TumA weight control camp for spoiled teens, aka a Fat Camp for over privileged brats. Miles is nervous, but he knows that he needs this – he can’t lose weight on his own. He’s tried.

Camp Tum Tum is completely isolated, no phones, no computers, nothing to distract the campers. That’s a good idea, in theory. But when TSHTF, and there is no way to call for help – things spiral out of control faster than their will-power at an all you can eat buffet.

CFC is a great story, bonus for having a kick-ass title and the best cover art ever! I used to have full collections of Garbage Pail Kids, and the cover pic makes me want to jump on eBay and pay a fortune to start collecting again!

Buy CANNIBAL FAT CAMP on Amazon, then share your thoughts on Goodreads.

Also contains the short stories:
Glamgina by David C. Hayes
The Chest by Mark C. Scioneaux
That Other Plan from Outer Space by David C. Hayes
An Unexpected Hunt by Mark C. Scioneaux