
When I read, all my darkness is replaced by light.
When I read, all my darkness is replaced by light.


BBB started life as just a forum to talk to you about books. Stories that I have loved, what I’m reading at the moment, books in my TBR queue, etc.
Each story is a mini vacation, whisking me away for an hour, an evening, or a weekend. Some people use pictures to describe their vacations. I prefer to use the ‘thousand words’ approach. The characters become my friends and family, and I want to introduce you to them all.

Since the inception on BBB, I’ve learned that I can use blogging to share more than just stories I’ve read. I have met some amazing people that do some amazing things. I have gotten permission to share a lot of original work and I’m going to introduce you to some amazingly talented people.

I encourage everyone to treat these pages as your own. Ask questions, share your thoughts and ideas, and please – bring your friends.

E-mail: ShadowGirl@beckisbookblog.co

Navigating Your Way Through The New Digs: Here’s a little help until we’re used to this new layout. I might have to leave it forever, because IDK if I’ll ever get used to it 😉

38 replies on “About”

Hi Jack. I’m glad that my love for this shows through. I really do enjoy it.
I shared your comment from the Caveman Poetry with the author, it really made his day, (and his moms!).
It’s been a rough day, if you saw the 2 posts from earlier.
I’m feeling lost, and destroyed. Crushed.
Sorry. I’m… I don’t know… at a loss right now.

Thank you for commenting. I was up researching a writing project that I wanted to try my hand at this morning. I woke up feeling inspired & it’s because of comments like this.

Sadly, shortly after that – I got the call. I haven’t had one solid thought since.

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Hi, Becki!

You currently follow my poetry blog, Bones of Brittany, and I thank you so much for that! I was wondering if you would be willing to spread the word of my blog (here’s hoping that my poetry is satisfactory enough, ha.) I love your blog, by the way! Have a fantastic day, dear!



Of course, I’d love to!
I will make a post here, hopefully before bed, and when I publish it – it automatically goes to my Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter accounts.I just need to tie a bow on a few things first 🙂



As a failed horror writer turned somewhat comedy writer, I appreciate your efforts to find and support indie work in all its form. So much so that, I have selected you to be the very first recipient of a brand new award.

An award without rules. An award I would hope you would simply say thank you for and pay it forward. You will find the post here


Find someone exceptional to give it to and remind them to pay it forward too.




I know I’ve talked to you about this on your blog, but, I wanted to say thank you again. This is the most special award to me, because you made it, because it’s not a chain, and because you chose me as the very first recipient – ever!
I will say more in my post, and I will pay it forward!
Thank you, thank you! With all my heart ❤


I truly believe that awards are meant to be special. You are most deserving.

They become watered down when 7 or 11 or 15 people share it.

I look forward to seeing your response and with whom you choose to pass the award too


Hi Becki, I quite like your blog and am honoured by your reblogging of my content. 🙂 I’ll probably be popping in on your every now and then to check out new reads or other stuff.
Shoot, I might even ask you to shine a light on my new work. (when it is published. 🙂 )



Sometimes random blog surfing really pays off! I’m very happy I came across your excellent blog. The confidence, intelligence and charisma just jumps off the page… err, screen!

Keep up the great work!



I’m so happy you did, too – or I may have not found you!
So much awesome to be found on yours, I was laughing so hard!

Is your Quote-A-Thon a real thing!? I would make a worthy opponent, I think. My Homer-Isms were almost an obsession for a while, with my goal being a quilt of pics and hand sewn ‘Homerisms’. (Favorite being ‘I am so S.M.R.T.’)’ I made a hankey. Meaning, I embroidered one Ism, and never bought any material!!
Then I started cheating on Homer, with Ralph Wiggum.
Then, it became an obsession with signs and background images 🙂
Here are 2 regular hilarious signs, then… one of the inside jokes that could be one of the dirtiest things on that show 🙂 (sorry, I’m really obsessed, and just happen to have all three if these…)
I'm a sign, not a cop.
Because there may not be bugs on you.

Now… It’s all about American Dad.
If I ever do the quilt before I die, it will be a mash up of all my favorites.
You know the ADD attention to detail I mentioned? I actually keep a list on my kindle, quotes that I want to remember to use! How big of a dork… ::smh::


Oh my, where do I begin?

First, I’m going to do the inevitable and upgrade these to HIGH TENS, cause your Simpsons knowledge more than deserves it. If I were flexible, I’d start including toes, that’s how many digits need to be involved here.

Hey, I would definitely do a Simpsons quote-a-thon, and am always looking for a worthy and challenging opponent, which you certainly are!

Those pictures are awesome. I love the Lisa one with the cop sign, and the Seed and Feed one- wow, I don’t know how they got away with that! I know that they have it where Fox doesn’t meddle too much, but that was so clever, it must’ve gone over the censor’s heads.

The great thing about that show is there’s so much subtle awesomeness packed into the background, it really rewards the observant viewer.

I may have to steal your note-keeping idea! Brilliant, brilliant I say!

Haha, if you ever decide to one day resurrect the quilt idea, I need to be at the unveiling! The hanky sounds phenomenal too.

Again, thanks a billion for the kind words! It’s been a grand pleasure e-meeting you, and please keep in touch, it’s always great to talk to a fellow self-proclaimed dork!



Hey, Annddrewwww… Are you still around – seven years after our last conversation?
I was giggling while rereading our chat. I’m about to stalk your page, see what you’re up to, and I need to tell you what my obsessive note taking turned into!


No, this is great! Thank you. I like the way this particular one is done, and I will (hopefully) participate within the next couple of days. I think these are a good way to discover blogs we might not have stumbled upon any other way.
Plus, I’m blushing… I’m honored that you thought to nominate me.
Thank you, again ❤


I am sorry I took so long to respond! I’ll definately take part in TMI Friday – my decision was made even easier after reading your reasoning for taking part! I need to write more, too, and ‘Write Every Day’ is the most common advice I’ve seen from authors.
Thank you for your awesome comment, too! That really means tons ❤

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I apologize for my late reply!! I couldn’t find you on Amazon or Goodreads :/ But I found you on Pintrest and DEAD RABBITS looks SaWeeet!! I’d love to check out ENEMY OF DARKNESS 🙂 I’m running a little behind on reviews, as usual, but I look forward to reading it.


Thank you so much!! That really means so much to me ❤
I just checked out FROM THE STARS, and A COURTROOM OF ASHES… they look like they're going to be really good! I'm not always about the extreme horror, blood, and guts 😉
I'm looking forward to checking out the rest of your blog later tonight, there's a lot of stuff that caught my eye.

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Hey, Shadow Girl! Remember me?

I thought you might like to know that I’m driving this one all the way up the ranks to the top 100 in multiple Amazon categories. This is the third trilogy of my Terminus Series (I’ll finish the middle trilogy before summer).

If you get a moment, check it out. If you like, I’ll send you a signed copy – since I’m sure to get rich and famous with this one, ha ha ha!

Wish me luck!

-Stephen Huff

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How could I forget an author whose first book I read was titled “SHIT”? Haha! You know I love ya 🖤 and you are among the rare few who keep in touch on a semi-regular basis.
I haven’t used this widget you posted here before, it’s freaking sweet! (I have to learn about it!) Check out the book NOW without being forwarded somewhere, blah blah, it’s genius.
I can’t wait to dig into the book deeper, and I would cherish a signed copy, thank-you so much!
I’ll wish you luck, but you don’t need it – you got this shit!
xoxo sg


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